Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if i have said it ,unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.


Monday, March 9

Who is the Goddess?

Who is The Goddess?

The Goddess is the sentience of the life form we are a part of. She is a planet we call the earth, and some refer to as Gaia. This planet is more than just a large ecosystem; it is a complex being.

There was a Star Trek episode once where their ship started doing what it wanted instead of what its crew directed it to. Their android crew member finally figured out that their ship was so complex and experienced, that it had become 'more than the sum of its parts'. Just as we are. A human being is made up of well over 37 trillion cells. Each cell is a living thing. How sentient we do not know, but the way our brains work is still a great mystery. At least the dendritic brain cells may indeed be quite individual and self-aware. The combination of the trillions of cells that make us up composes one human. Are we merely a pile of interdependent cells pooled together, or are we more than the sum of our parts?

Just the same, what about this planet? At least as complex as a human being, if not much more, a planet has all the cells we do, all the elements, all the chemicals and other substances, and plenty of electrical charge inside and around it. Who are we to say that it could not be 'alive', any less than we are?

There are certainly signs of the planet having consciousness. It has electrical paths in known places in large, complex grids.They are known as ley lines. There are recordings of the earth 'screaming' , which scientists declared to be radiation emitted from Earth (just like when scientists declared that 'lobsters are not screaming when you boil them- it is air exiting their gills...' ). The earth also hums. Numerous major weather incidents occur yearly without pattern or notice (fodder for conspiracy theorists, who claim the govt. controls it with 'scalar weapons' ). Most interesting though, are the messages left in crops, fields of trees, ice sheets, and other areas round the world on a constant basis. These are known as crop circles. There are even marine light wheels.

Of course the politically correct/common knowledge explanation is that two old men admitted to faking crop circles with a board. What isn't as well known is that after their 'confession', one became a reclusive drunk and the other killed himself. So is this drunkard who is about 70 years old still doing it? Or maybe people copying him? How many people would it take to fake these at random places all over the world every night, and without ever getting caught, or spilling the beans on it? Just because a few college kids in England have made a few, does not explain the rest of them all over the planet, the ice formations, the larger trees bent over, nor the mere size and complexity of the formations. Most anymore are interwoven which is impossible by walking on them with a board. They are also bent on a molecular level, and the areas contain unusually strong magnetic fields as well as extremely rare metal traces. No human or group of them could fake 99% of these if they tried to. But if the planet itself wanted to, it could emit a magnetic and microwave vortex to form these designs. Frequently orbs are seen near crop circles. These could be tools the earth uses.

Why would the earth make designs instead of writing "Hi, I am alive and you better stop polluting me" or something like that? This is another thing the debunker/skeptic crowd conveniently fails to mention: it has! Not those exact words, but here are a few things it has 'stated': a.) exact representations of oscillographic displays, which when graphed create complex, previously unknown mathematical equations. b.) DNA helices and animal representations have also been formed. c.) ancient religious symbols appear frequently as well. d.) obvious representations of astronomical placements, including approaching comets. e.) responses to media accusations of fakery. for example, when it was postulated that blimps were used to fake crop circles, a new one appeared under high tension power lines. when it was said people were still walking on them with boards, a new one appeared in a rapeseed field, which is very brittle and could not have been bent the way wheat supposedly is. things like this have happened numerous times. f.) similar formations have appeared in ice sheets, mud fields, tree stands, and other places the traditional 'explanation' cannot be utilized. g.) after one group of serious crop circle researchers pressed into a field the words 'talk to us', a response appeared the next day on a hillside. it was in an ancient, obscure language written in a rare script that only a few professors around the world even know. The reply translated to: "we oppose cunning and deceit". [Digest that one for a bit.] The PAX channel has an excellent documentary on this. There is also a great book on this.

Obviously, there is a very intelligent being trying to communicate with us. It has tried math, science, astronomy, religion, and at least once- human language. The designs are becoming larger and more complex all the time, and in more and more areas of the world.The aliens may be a possibility, but the earth without a doubt would be the main suspect here. It certainly cannot be done by humans.

It seems that the newer phenomena, crop-glyphs, are the ones being perpetuated in a copycat manner by aliens, judging by their messages and unique style. That is a different subject though. Both glyphs and circles are discussed on most crop circle sites.

If the earth is a conscious, sentient life form, then what about all of the other planets? There is no reason to believe that they are not also living creatures, as well as every other astral body. The stars, the planets, the comets and asteroids....all could be alive.
Remember Crowley's famous quote : "every man and every woman is a star" ? Perhaps continual ascension of our spirits can eventually lead to this super-state.

Our main concern is the planet we live on though. We are either an integral part of it, or perhaps more like parasites. Either way, we should all respect our home.

The forces of nature, as opposed to the physical matter of nature, are supposed to signify the God. Together they make up life and creation as we know it. The 'lesser' gods and goddesses are supposed to be either aspects of, or nature spirits of, the earth and /or its processes; or, more likely, are individual entities which are merely superior life forms to us- like advanced humans akin to demi-gods. I suppose the Goddess could conjure a physical humanoid presence and show Herself. But why bother, at least frequently? Appearances from higher entities including god and goddess level figures is not unheard of among advanced practitioners of high magick. But appearing to the unbelieving masses- why bother? Suppose one of our cells figured out a way to get our attention and communicate with us. Would we reciprocate it with that one, or try to give a speech to the other trillions of cells about who is really boss? We have other matters to concern us, and so do the astral bodies and forces of nature.........

Since so many modern religions are merely a retelling of the same tales and virtues with only the character names changed, it seems to me that the more ancient a religion is the more valid it is.This reverence for the earth and nature's processes is the most ancient belief system in the world, dating back to the dawn of mankind at least. 100,000 year old cave paintings back this up.

Note that I am getting vague now. This is because I do not claim to know everything, unlike most people when they speak of religion. I do not have a book to point at, and I do not have a church or a priest to back me up. I have only my observations and feelings to report. The fascinating part is that many others have come to very similar conclusions as I have, independently. And we are known as 'eclectic pagans'.

Please do not confuse us with occult based groups. We are just Nature lovers that see a bigger picture.

Hail the Goddess.

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